What is Delta-8 THC?

What is Delta-8 THC?

What is Delta-8 THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)?

As some may understand, there are hundreds of cannabinoids that occur naturally within the cannabis plant's growth process. One of which, being the highly demanded, and in most states illegal, for now, delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). What most people do not know, and what is starting to create a buzz in society, is another cannabinoid that is an isomer of delta-9 THC, called delta-8 THC, that is found within cannabis but in very small amounts. Delta-9 and delta-8 get their names from the location of a double bond found within their chemical makeup, in Delta-9 it is found on the 9th carbon chain, while in Delta-8 it is found on the 8th carbon chain. Thus, creating a difference in the two abilities and effects when consumed. Although delta-8 occurs in very small concentrations, it shows a strong potential for recreational and medicinal use as most users, retailers, and doctors continue to support cannabis legalization.

What are the Effects of Delta-8 THC?

It is always recommended to drink plenty of water while taking cannabis. Comparative to delta-9 thc, delta-8 also has side effects such as drowsiness, dry eyes, and dry mouth. Other than the side effects, the general population of delta-8 consumers experience a clearer-high, calmness, improved appetite, and more focus. Delta-8 shows therapeutic potential as it stimulates a series of functions that in return benefit our body. This could be the result of how delta-8 works within their endocannabinoid system (ECS).

How Delta-8 THC Interacts with the Endocannabinoid System

Delta-8, when consumed, is found to interact with CB2 receptors located throughout the immune, digestive, and skeletal systems, but it is worth knowing that THC in general is more likely to bind itself to CB1 receptors in the brain and central nervous system. Nevertheless, Delta-8 and the chemistry between it and the human body, makes it less fond of binding to those CB1 receptors. Thus, providing most users a clearer, calm experience. 

What are the Benefits of Delta-8 THC?

Because Delta-8 is an isomer of Delta-9 THC, it shares some of the same health benefits, such as appetite stimulation. Despite providing users a calmer experience, Delta-8 can potentially relieve harsh symptoms due to its natural healing properties. Some of its main uses are as a(n): Antiemetic, analgesic, anti-tumor, neuroprotectant, and anti-inflammatory. As Delta-8 continues to make a name for itself, as well as cannabis coming closer to legalization, the list of potential health benefits is growing longer day by day.

“The Therapeutic Benefits of Medicating with Delta-8 THC.” View All Trulieve Dispensaries, 14 Aug. 2014, https://www.trulieve.com/discover/blog/the-therapeutic-benefits-of-medicating-with-delta-8-thc.

“Eighty Six Brand. “How Does Delta-8 Work in Your Body?” Eighty Six Brand, 16 Feb. 2021, https://eightysixbrand.com/blogs/news/how-does-delta-8-work-in-your-body. 

“The Therapeutic Benefits of Medicating with Delta-8 THC.” View All Trulieve Dispensaries, https://www.trulieve.com/discover/blog/the-therapeutic-benefits-of-medicating-with-delta-8-thc.
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